Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
one's person:
Euphemism for the male genitals . Be discreet when scratching one's person . See penis for synonyms.See Also: abrasive, absolute inversion, accident prone, acousticophile, acrotomophile, active, agape, agapism, Agnes, agoraphile, agoraphobic, AIDS terrorist, ailurophile, airtight, algolagnic, algolagnist, algophile, algoterpsia, ambibiosis, ambivalence, amphiphilia, anal copulator, anal fetishism, anaphrodite, androgynophilia, androphile, androphilist, anisonogamist, anolinguist, anus worship, apotemnophobia, apple of one's eye, ass-a-holic, ass-bite, auto-fisting, baby buster, back number, backward about coming forward, bacon fed, bad lay, bad talk, bag of bones, ball-face, barfly, batcaver, beached whale, bean-eater, beaner, bear lover, beast, beat of one's heart, beddable, beloved, bicycle rider, big shit, big shot, big wheel, big-ass, bigamist, bigamy, bitch-queen, black in white, bleeder, blimp, blow a kiss, blubber-belly, blue skin, body esteem, body odor, bone head, bottle-ass, bouquet of assholes, bowls from the Pavilion end, brand name, brandy, break in the balls, breather, bright specimen, a, broad-gauge(d), brothersister, bubby heaters, bug up the ass, buggershy, bundler, bunker-shy, burn out, butthole raper, Cadburys canal cruiser, callicnemic, candy ass, candy-assed, carrot head, carrot top, casimeria, catch on the rebound, cateye, caught in flagrante, cheat, Chile Bean, Chili-eater, Chilly, chossel, chromo, chronological age, chubbychops, chunk of lead, church member, clam diver, clap eyes on, clap one's eyes on, climb trees to get away from it, clit licker, clock, closet shakedown, cock of the walk, cock-lover, cockaholic, coco-shunter, cold fish, coming out of the closet, coming out process, commit to someone, condole, coprophagist, coprophile, coproscopist, copulater, copulator, corespondent, couple friend, crater-face, cream in one's coffee, crinkly, cross-legged, cruisy, crumblie, crurocentric, cry baby, cucumber queen, cue-ball, current excitement, cutie, dead beat of one's heart, dead-ass, dear one, dick head, dimmo, dirt pipe rider, discipline, discordant genitalia, Does it play?, doesn't know his ass from a hole in the groud, doesn't know shit from shinola, dogface, doggie, domestic partner, dont fight it, its bigger than both of us, dothead, double assed, drop one's cookies, drop the plate, dry shite, duck-butt, duffis, dumb fuck, dumb-ass, dumbo, dusty, easy mark, EPID, erotologist, erotomaniac, erotophobe, expose onself, eye-giver, fam, far goner, fat-ass, fence fucker, fetishizing, fine thing, flash of light, flasher, folk-dancing, fuck-pig, fuckaholic, fuckass, fucked by the fickle finger of fate, fuckhead, fuckpig, fuckwad, full of wind and piss, fuss-pot, gerontophile, get one's bed, give one a tumble, giver of the eye, go around with, go steady, go with, gobshite, gobslutch, golden-ager, goldie-locks, grey broad, grot, grumbly, guy, hairdo, half-pint, happy shopper, head case, heart's desire, heartthrob, heavy crush, hedonist, herped up, hettie, hide, hole out in one, a, homophilia, horizontally challenged, horrorform, horse breaker, hot item, hotter than a red firewagon, hunk of frozen meat, hygienecally challenged, hypogamy, icon, idiogamist, immuno-compromised, ipserotic, jaihouse turnout, jay, jiggle and jog, Jo-Ann, just another pretty face, juve, ki-ki, kneeler, lay eyes on, lay one's eyes on, licks both sides of the stamp, lie with, light meat, light of one's eyes, light-o'-love, light-of-love, lighthouse, likes it wet, lile a cat on hot bricks, lip-sucking kiss, loaf, long-eared, love of one's life, the, love philter, love potion, loved one, lovee, LT, lump, main hole, make it with, make love with, marble heart, marry into dough, mature figure, mercy fuck, minga, minger, misogamist, missionary work, mixoscopia bestialis, monogamous, mop head, Mr. Blank, Mr. Right, Mrs. Blank, mulatto, nasty piece of work, nectar, nervous as a cat on hot bricks, netizen, no oil painting, nowhere cat, numb-nuts, octoroon, oncer, one and only, one of those, one's own, one's person, one-night stand, onliest, OPAL, optophobia, oral-erotic, Paddy, panty pisser, pathic, peacherino, person with AIDS, philter, pig-fucker, piss freak, piss-lover, pity fuck, pizza-face, plurisexual, ponce off, pork packer, priss, pro-lifer, procurer, put the S.A. in U.S.A., PWA, quadroon, queer cove, queer fish, ratchet-jaw, ratchet-mouth, real stunner, rear guard, schmo(e), scroat, scum, set eyes on, sex abolitionist, sex addict, sex for one, sex number, sexaholic, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, sexual preference, share a bed with, share a pillow with, shithouse poet, shmo(e), sidesaddle queen, single-O, skid marks, skin head, slant eye, slap head, slaphead, sloptimist, slowie, smasher, snuggle bunny, soft spot, spanner, stu, sub, suedehead, sweet young thing, sweetheart, switch-hitter, take one's bed, tantalization, teacher, tethering, thanatophile, thlipsophilist, tibialoconcupiscent, tight-ass, touch the bun for luck, toucheur, TPT, trans-fag, transfan, transhomosexuality, transition, transparent, transsex procedures, tranz-fag, traumatophiliac, traveler's aid, triangle, trichologia, tripsolagnia, trisexual, troilist, truelove, trysexual, tubby, twister, two ferrets fighting in a sack, two-way artist, two-way baby, uxoriosis, vacation, vacationer, variety artist, vertically-challenged, vitricophobia, vomit, wackomatic, wankmonger, warm body, water lover, wear two (pairs of) shoes, What number, what color?, white meat, white sugar, whoozis, whoozit, whoring days, wigger, wild-ass(ed), WOOPIE, worrywort, wrinkly, WT, X-factor, X-legged, xenophile, xippie, yid, you know who, zelophile, zoophilist
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